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Kanadska manekenka i glumica preminula sa samo 37 godina: suprug tužnu vijest objavio na Instagramu, nije otkrio uzrok smrti

25. travnja 2019. - 13:41

Kanadska glumica i manekenka Stefanie Sherk preminula je u subotu, 20. travnja, u dobi od samo 37 godina, javlja Hollywood Reporter.

Njen je suprug i kolega glumac, 55-godišnji Demian Bichir, objavio je tužnu vijest na Instagramu.

Dear friends, On behalf of the Sherk and the Bichir Nájera families, it is with inconceivable pain that I announce that on April 20, 2019, our dearest Stefanie Sherk, my beloved and loving wife, passed away peacefully. It has been the saddest and toughest time of our lives and we don’t know how much time it will take for us to overcome this pain. Stefanie’s beautiful, angelical and talented presence will be immensely missed. We will hold Stefanie in our hearts forever. We thank everybody beforehand for their prayers and we respectfully ask for your un...

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