
Italija vratila Grčkoj dio njihova nacionalnog blaga, friz s Partenona sa stopalom božice Artemide! A kad će to uraditi Britanci? Grci se nadaju...

12. siječnja 2022. - 09:27
This photogrqphe taken in Athens on January 10, 2022 shows a marble fragment (C) from the Parthenon, believed to depict the foot and lower tunic of the goddess Artemis, displayed at the Acropolis Museum. - The marble will be displayed at the Acropolis Museum for the next eight years following an agreement with the Antonino Salinas Museum in Palermo, Sicily. Parts of the Parthenon’s eastern frieze depicting Greek gods watching a sacred procession, were formerly in the collection of 19th century British diplomat Robert Fagan before being purchased by the University of Palermo after 1818. (Photo by Giorgos KONTARINIS/Eurokinissi/AFP)/Greece OUTGiorgos Kontarinis

Mramorni fragment koji je činio dio friza na Partenonu vraćen je u Atenu iz muzeja na Siciliji, a dužnosnici se nadaju da će taj potez utjecati na odluku Britanskog muzeja da Grčkoj vrati antičke skulpture iz najpoznatijega antičkog obilježja Grčke.

Atenski Muzej Akropole je dobio natrag "Faganov fragment", mramorni fragment veličine 35 x 31 cm, koji prikazuje stopalo grčke božice Artemide u sjedećem položaju, a Grčkoj ga je vratio Arheološki muzej Antonio Salinas iz Palerma.

This photogrqphe taken in Athens on January 10, 2022 shows a marble fragment (C) from the Parthenon, believed to depict the foot and lower tunic of the goddess Artemis, displayed at the Acropolis Museum. - The marble will be displayed at the Acropolis Museum for the next eight years following an agreement with the Antonino Salinas Museum in Palermo, Sicily.
Parts of the Parthenon’s eastern frieze depicting Greek gods watching a sacred procession, were formerly in the collection of 19th century British diplomat Robert Fagan before being purchased by the University of Palermo after 1818. (Photo by Giorgos KONTARINIS/Eurokinissi/AFP)/Greece OUT
Giorgos Kontarinis

"Sjajno je to što su sicilijanski i talijanski prijatelji odlučili vratiti ovaj fragment ondje gdje je on rođen", rekao je ravnatelj Muzeja Akropole Nikolaos Stampolidis o fragmentu koji je nekoć bio dio istočnoga friza hrama.

Fragment bi trebao biti postavljen u Partenonskoj galeriji, u odaji sa staklenim zidovima s pogledom na Partenon u kojoj su izložene skulpture friza dugačkog 160 metara u istome položaju u odnosu na izvorni spomenik, uz gipsane kopije koje su zamijenile dijelove koji se danas uglavnom nalaze u Britanskom muzeju.

"Nadamo se da će ovaj prvi korak što su ga napravili sicilijanski kolege na sličnu odluku potaknuti odgovorne iz drugih država", rekla je ravnateljica muzeja Antonio Salinas, Caterina Greco.

This photogrqphe taken in Athens on January 10, 2022 shows a marble fragment (C) from the Parthenon, believed to depict the foot and lower tunic of the goddess Artemis, displayed at the Acropolis Museum. - The marble will be displayed at the Acropolis Museum for the next eight years following an agreement with the Antonino Salinas Museum in Palermo, Sicily.
Parts of the Parthenon’s eastern frieze depicting Greek gods watching a sacred procession, were formerly in the collection of 19th century British diplomat Robert Fagan before being purchased by the University of Palermo after 1818. (Photo by Giorgos KONTARINIS/Eurokinissi/AFP)/Greece OUT
Giorgos Kontarinis

U sklopu sporazuma o kulturnoj baštini Sicilije, kojim je predviđena razmjena artefakata između muzeja, fragment s Partenona Ateni će biti posuđen na četiri godine, s mogućnošću obnove dogovora na još četiri godine. Istodobno traju pregovori između vlada dviju zemalja da fragment u Grčkoj ostane trajno.

Zauzvrat će Muzej Akropole Palermu na četiri godine ustupiti kip božice Atene bez glave koji datira iz 5. stoljeća prije Krista i amforu iz 8. stoljeća prije Krista.

Acropolis museum staff members display a marble fragment from the Parthenon, believed to depict the foot and lower tunic of the goddess Artemis, in Athens on January 10, 2022. - The marble will be displayed at the Acropolis Museum for the next eight years following an agreement with the Antonino Salinas Museum in Palermo, Sicily.
Parts of the Parthenon’s eastern frieze depicting Greek gods watching a sacred procession, were formerly in the collection of 19th century British diplomat Robert Fagan before being purchased by the University of Palermo after 1818. (Photo by Giorgos KONTARINIS/Eurokinissi/AFP)/Greece OUT
Giorgos Kontarinis

"Faganov fragment" nekoć je bio dio zbirke britanskoga generalnog konzula na Siciliji u 19. stoljeću, Roberta Fagana, diplomata i arheologa, prije nego što ga je, nakon njegove smrti Kraljevsko sveučilište u Palermu 1820. kupilo od njegove udovice. Nije poznato na koji je način prvi put došao u Faganov posjed.

Službena Atena se zalaže za to da Britanski muzej Grčkoj vrati skulpture poznate kao "Elginov mramor", a radi se o 75 metara partenonskog friza, 15 metopa (mramornih reljefa) i 17 skulptura.

Acropolis museum staff members display a marble fragment from the Parthenon, believed to depict the foot and lower tunic of the goddess Artemis, in Athens on January 10, 2022. - The marble will be displayed at the Acropolis Museum for the next eight years following an agreement with the Antonino Salinas Museum in Palermo, Sicily.
Parts of the Parthenon’s eastern frieze depicting Greek gods watching a sacred procession, were formerly in the collection of 19th century British diplomat Robert Fagan before being purchased by the University of Palermo after 1818. (Photo by Giorgos KONTARINIS/Eurokinissi/AFP)/Greece OUT
Giorgos Kontarinis

Odande ih je uklonio britanski diplomat, Thomas Bruce, 11. Lord od Elgina početkom 19. stoljeća u vrijeme kad je bio veleposlanik u Osmanskom Carstvu pod kojim je tada bila Grčka.

Uz formalno dopuštenje osmanskih vlasti odnio ih je u London, a skulpture je 1817. prodao Britanskom muzeju u kojemu se i danas nalaze. Britanski dužnosnici kažu da ih je Elgin legalno kupio, što Grčka opovrgava.

01. lipanj 2024 03:52